Supporting Our Community
At Simone’s, we are passionate about giving back to the community that supports us, and do so through our Plate4Good program and various fundraisers we host and participate in throughout the year. We know that you, our valued guests, are just as involved, if not more, in doing good for our neighbors, and we want to make sure we’re doing our part to help you!
Donation Guidelines
If you would like to request a donation of a gift card or other item to be agreed upon by Simone’s, we ask that the following guidelines are abided by:
- The recipient is a non-profit and charitable and falls under the categories of improving the health, educational or cultural aspects of the community.
- The recipient is non-partisan and the event is not a political fundraiser.
What We Give
Our standard donation is a $25 gift card, but other denominations and items are up for discussion! We will do our absolute best to accommodate as many of you as we can so that we can all succeed in raising lots of money for lots of people in need.
Review Process
All requests must be made through our online submission form. We will make every effort to review them as soon as possible, but please note, in-person or phone requests can not be considered.
Fill out our Online Donation Request Form >>
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